London, KY - Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel Sheriff's Detective Kyle Gray arrested Angela Jean Buehler age 39 of London on Thursday afternoon December 20, 2018 at approximately 2:30 PM.

Laurel County, KY -  Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel Sheriff's Detective James Sizemore along with Detective Bryon Lawson, Detective Sgt. Chris Edwards with assistance from Deputy Jake


MANCHESTER, KY - Clay County Cooperative Extension Service upcoming programs for January, 2019.

Laurel County, KY - Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel Sheriff's Deputy Josh Scott investigated a single vehicle injury traffic crash which occurred on KY 363 on Tuesday, December 18, 2018.

Laurel County, KY - Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel Sheriff's Deputy Taylor McDaniel arrested Charles Mullins age 43 of London on Wednesday afternoon December 19, 2018 at approximately


Failure to resolve overpayments from employees to system, waiving of late penalties among three findings in audit report

FRANKFORT, Ky. (December 19, 2018) –Auditor Mike Harmon, Kentucky’s 47th


Laurel County, KY -  Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel Sheriff's Deputy Joey Robinson along with Sgt. Greg Poynter, Deputy Josh Morgan, Deputy Travis Napier, and CSO Sean Hayre arrested an


Woolum, KY. (December 18, 2018) -  On Tuesday December 18, 2018 at approximately 2041 hours, KSP Post 10 received a call from Knox County Dispatch requesting assistance for a fatal accident on KY N11
