
Red Ribbon Week Continues with DEA National Prescription Take Back Day


Prescription Pills Being Collected (Credit: DEA)

The following information is from the Drug Enforcement Administration today:

Clay County, KY (October 29, 2022) - The drug overdose epidemic in the United States is a clear and present public health, public safety, and national security threat. 

DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day reflects DEA’s commitment to Americans’ safety and health, encouraging the public to remove unneeded medications from their homes as a measure of preventing medication misuse and opioid addiction from ever starting.

DEA is committed to making our communities safer and healthier, and we can do this by reducing overdoses and overdose deaths. While the community does its part to turn in unneeded medications and remove them from potential harm, we are doing our part to further reduce drug-related violence.

On this webpage are resources to help you dispose of unneeded medications in your home, seek substance abuse treatment and learn more about the drug overdose epidemic in the United States.

The following information is part of Governor Andy Beshear's Team Kentucky Update on Thursday October 27, 2022:

National Prescription Take Back Day

The Governor is encouraging Kentuckians to participate in the DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day scheduled nationwide on Oct. 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. EDT. This Saturday, Kentuckians can choose a location closest to them with at least 80 options available to dispose of their prescription drugs. To view locations near your zip code, county or city, click here.

Note from CCN Staff:

Although the closest location from Clay County appears to be the Middlesboro Police Department this year hopefully in future years a more local option will be made available.  Some local pharmacies may have options that we are unaware of.  The most important thing is that untaken prescription medications stay out of the hands of children and individuals whom the medicine was not prescribed for.  



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