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Mr. Gregory Lynn Wingo age 58 of Beech Creek Road passed away Friday, November 20,2015. He was Minister of the of Methodist Ministry Conference.
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Mr. Bart Smith Jr. age 58 of Railroad Avenue, passed away Friday, November 20, 2015.
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‘If the President wants to be able to import Guantanamo terrorists into Americans’ backyards, he’s going to have to persuade a majority in Congress to change the law. Just last week, big bipartisan
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Laurel County, KY- Sheriff John Root is reporting that Deputy Kyle Gray arrested Jessica Marie Denton age 24 of Short Lane Apartments, Corbin on Wednesday afternoon, November 18, 2015 at
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By Curtis L. Coy
Colleagues and Fellow Veterans,
For more than a century, education, as we know it, has traditionally been in a classroom setting. Before this more modern arrangement, there was
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(FRANKFORT, Ky.) - Kentucky State Troopers and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement
Officers will help brighten the holiday season for families in need this year
through the sixth annual Cram The Cruiser
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Clay County, KY - Sheriff Kevin Johnson is reporting two arrests made in the early morning hours of November 14, 2015 on Upper Rader Road off of Highway 638.