FRANKFORT, Ky. (August 30, 2016) – “Today, Greg Stumbo and House Democrats made a mockery of state government.
Prior to the meeting, Democrat House members were handed prepared questions from Stumbo’s office to ask to the unassuming state workers who were shamefully used as props in this never-ending circus. Kentucky taxpayers picked up the $30,000 tab for a meeting that included absolutely no new information, and in fact contained word-for-word information that has been presented in legislative committees over the past several weeks.
Greg Stumbo and House Democrats have dipped to an embarrassing low as their abuse of the Kentucky Retirement System comes to light. Greg Stumbo and House Democrats have blocked every attempt by Republicans to be transparent and repair deficiencies in our pension systems. Just yesterday I released a letter to the public from William Thielen, Executive Director of KRS, which clearly shows an organized approach by House Democrats to kill pension transparency legislation during the 2016 session.
We know Greg Stumbo and House Democrats are willing to abuse taxpayer dollars, which was clearly evident today. Are today’s bait-and-switch tactics by Stumbo just another attempt to distance himself from the illegal behavior by recently indicted, convicted, and corrupt Democrat party officials? Democrat officials in various parts of Kentucky are currently being investigated by the FBI in regards to vote-buying scandals. Additionally, Stumbo’s state party is under investigation by the Federal Election Commission for receiving an infusion of Hillary Clinton campaign cash. If anybody in Frankfort is feeling the pressure of alleged wrongdoing, it’s Greg Stumbo.”