
FREE TRAINING INVITATION Saturday August 20th 2016 - Law Enforcement Officer Down Recovery

Immediate medical actions, and Man tracking in rural and urban settings.

Presented by the Laurel County Sheriff Office, Nature Reliance School,
and Iron Sight Defense
Civilian and LE Firearms and Tactics Training
“In support of those who serve.”

This is a TUITION FREE class to all City, County, and Federal Full time Law Enforcement Officers. Immediate medical actions, and Man tracking in rural and urban settings.

This class is being provided as a special service to law enforcement officers because of the increased dangers that officers are exposed to on a daily basis in today's world.

Officer Down Recovery:
Covering topics related to removing injured or downed officers from hostile environments while under the threat of or while in active contact. On foot and with the use of vehicles. Team communications, movement, and use of over watch personnel will be emphasized.

IFAK usage:
Individual First Aid Kit. Fundamentals of immediate medical actions

Man Tracking:
Will cover methodology of man tracking as an investigation and fugitive apprehension tool. This will include how to see more tracks/sign, how to use the sign to determine direction of travel and the use of tactical formations. This will include methods that will increase officer safety, evidence collection, and situational awareness.

This class will be held at the Iron Sight Defense Training Center in Rockcastle county Ky. approx. 7 miles off of I-75 exit 62

400 rounds rifle per officer (not provided)
150 rounds handgun per officer (not provided)

One 10 hour day class

*Contact at Laurel Sheriff's Office is:
Major Rodney Vanzant

See class information and
Please sign up at


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