Manchester, KY - Clay County Cruisers VP Vernon Lunsford "Cruiser" is reporting that the Saturday evening Clay County Cruisers "Trunk n' Treat" event held in the Clay County Shopping Center provided great fun and fellowship for young and old alike.
He went on to say "This was a huge successful event. Thanks to all who came out to the Clay County Cruisers "Trunk or Treat", we had over 750 kids there last night, what a party!...Greatest turnout ever thanks to our sponsors and McDonalds for all you did, with a special thanks for those that brought out their show cars & trucks! I sincerely believe Clay County has the most beautiful kids ever...Love and Hugs to each of you!"
The Cruisers President Jack Roberts said "It's all about the kids"!
For all the fantastic "Trunk n' Treat" photos & videos go here: Clay County Cruisers
Event photos courtesy of Jack Roberts.