

Police respond to Coyote complaint on Mothers Day in Clay County, Kentucky

MANCHESTER, KY - On Mothers Day May 9, 2021 a family on Curry Branch Road called 911 Dispatch in Clay County after locating a coyote in their back yard.

When Mike Peracchio called 911 he learned that Clay County Dispatch had already received a call after the male coyote which was injured had previously been found in the ditch line on Curry Branch Road near the Peracchio home by a passerby who realized that the wounded animal was a possible threat to any pedestrian(s) on the road that may have tried to comfort or pet it.

The individual that first found the coyote said he thought the animal was a dog at first & tried unsuccessfully to contact Clay County Animal control before calling Dispatch.

Before authorities were able to respond to the first call, the coyote had managed to move out of the roadway's ditch line and into the  back yard of the Peracchio residence. 

According to Mr. Peracchio, the Clay County Sheriff's Department and Kentucky State Police responded and located the coyote in the ditch by the driveway after it had left their yard and was attempting to crawl into the tile there. At that point the apparently seriously injured animal was put down and the carcass removed.


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