
First Responders execute Swift Water Rescue saving Fisherman after Boat Capsizes near 312 Boat Ramp in Southern KY

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WHITLEY COUNTY, KY - Whitley County Constable Ron "Bubba" Bowling is reporting that: On Saturday, April 4, 2020 a call for help was made to Constable Bowling's cell phone stating an incident at the old dam with two in water and calling for help before the caller lost service.

Boats were deployed by West Knox Rescue and the Whitley County Constables Office.

On scene it was discovered a couple of fishermen was up the creek without a paddle while losing power on their small fishing boat before drifting and capsizing against the old city dam.

One fisherman was able to make it to shore while the other found himself stuck hanging onto a tree while agencies attempted to throw floating devices in the swift water on the upper side while Constable Bowling and the deputies prepared for a water rescue should he fall off the dam into the swift water below.

Rescued 4 4 20

West Knox rescue was successful in getting within 20 yards of the subject finally pulling him to safety.

The Whitley County Sheriff's Department reports that: Multiple agencies assisted, including the Department of Forestry, West Knox Fire and Rescue and the Laurel County Sheriffs Office.

Deputies Chad Foley, JB Coffee and Chad Estep assisted authorities in the water. Constable Ronnie Bowling deployed a personal watercraft to assist authorities.

Pictured is:

  • West Knox Fire and Rescue members on the Laurel County side and Whitley County deputies, Foley, Estep and Coffee along with Constable Ron "Bubba" Bowling providing service from the Whitley County side.
  • Subject hanging onto a tree
  • Subject being pulled to safety




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