
ClayCoNews / Serving southeast Kentucky & beyond with "Real News Everyday"

CLAY COUNTY, KY - ClayCoNews is a FREE internet only publication that was founded in 2004 and has been serving southeast Kentucky & beyond with "Real News Everyday" since then. The ClayCoNews Facebook page was created several years later in 2009 and has since become one of the most popular news media pages in southeast Kentucky.

To all of the dedicated CCN readers that have brought us this far, THANK YOU so much!!

For anyone that's not yet experienced the ClayCoNews Facebook page we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to visit our exciting "Headline/Photos only" page where you can get lots of information from the headlines & photos as well as leave comments and if you want to learn more, simply click on the headline or photo for the full article in the secure main ClayCoNews website. 

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Accuracy and politeness of posts/comments is not guaranteed and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of or

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The ClayCoNews team


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