Clay County, KY - Governor Matt Bevin announced the appointment Johnny Johnson to County Judge Executive on Wednesday January 4, 2017. Former Judge Exe. Joe Asher resigned in October of 2016.
Judge Executive candidate Ron Curry made the following comments on Thursday January 5, 2017 regarding the appointment.
Ron Curry stated "I congratulate Mr. Johnson on his appointment by Governor Matt Bevin to Clay County Judge Executive!
I have always respected Johnny Johnson and continue to do so. I admire Mr. Johnson for accepting the appointment to such a demanding position.
It is my wish that the other candidates join with me in support of Judge Johnson as he takes on the daunting task facing him the next two years.
County Judge Executive is the most important job in Clay County, a county which is now considered by many as being one of the poorest & most fragile counties in the Commonwealth."
Curry also said "As a candidate, I'm looking forward to what is expected to be an exceptionally lively 2018 election!"
Mr. Ron Curry "Jersey Bull" along with Judge Exe. appointee Johnny Johnson and all other candidates interested the office must wait till November of this year before they can file as an official candidate for Clay County Judge Executive.
Pictured is Ron Curry