
Attorney General Russell Coleman

OP-ED by Attorney General Coleman: Keep the EPA's Nose out of Kentucky's Waters

Opinion by Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman

FRANKFORT, KY (July 31, 2024) -- Attorney General Russell Coleman penned the following column about the fight against the Biden-Harris Administration's overreaching water rule. It was published today in the Courier Journal:

Katelyn Bunning (Dependable Power First Kentucky)

Guaranteeing Kentucky’s Right to Shape Its Own Energy Future


OpEd by Katelyn Bunning - Executive Director, Dependable Power First Kentucky

I have spent my career navigating the intersection of state and federal politics, and I understand that it’s not always apparent how regulations out of Washington, DC directly impact the day-to-day lives of Kentuckians. The federal government, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has become increasingly aggressive in imposing its political will on states, often in a way that is misaligned with local needs. As a result, many states, including ours, risk losing control over a key pillar of our economy.

images3/NEWS_PICS/Kim_George.jpg: https://www.clayconews.com/
KIM GEORGE: Before and after (RunSwitch PR)

OP-ED: Let’s Ensure KY Mothers Like Me Have A Second Chance To Regain Voting Rights And Have A Voice In Their Children’s Future

ClayCoNews: "Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of ClayCoNews, its staff, or its owner. The author is solely responsible for the content of this article and any errors or inaccuracies it may contain."

Op-Ed by Kim George - Community Organizer, Advocacy Based on Lived Experience (ABLE)

Can you begin to imagine how disheartening it is to be a mom and be told you are not worthy of having a voice in your child’s future? Can you imagine being told that you have no rights to be involved in making decisions about your child’s education, health, and overall well-being because at some point in the past you made a bad decision?

Attorney General Russell Coleman

Attorney General Coleman OP-ED in Fox News: 'Our air is great, but Green New Deal is tough to swallow'

OP-ED by Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman

FRANKFORT, KY (March 19, 2024) – Attorney General Russell Coleman penned the following opinion column about the 24-state challenge his Office is leading with West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) punishing new air quality rule.

Secretary of State Michael G. Adams

Op-Ed: Need for Increased Civic Education in Kentucky

Kentucky can and should increase civic education

Opinion Editorial by Kentucky Secretary of State Michael G. Adams

The test results are in, and Kentucky is barely passing when it comes to civic health. Civic education is desperately needed in our schools, and our lawmakers need to act now to ensure our children will grow into adults capable of self-government.


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