
McCONNELL: Biden Administration Delivers Second Year of Overwhelming Failures

McConnell Mitch

U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

‘These are just some of the reasons why 41% of Americans say the state of our union is ‘weak’ and only 13% say it’s ‘strong.’… For 84% of Americans, one-party Democrat control of Washington either failed to live up to its promises or actively made life worse… President Biden campaigned on being the adult in the room. But he’s not even calling the shots in his own party. Over and over, on issue after issue, this President has handed the car keys to the radical left and turned himself into a passenger.’


Arrested Handcuffs 693

CARROLLTON, KY (February 7, 2023) – The Kentucky State Police is reporting that as part of an ongoing investigation Kentucky State Police Post 5 Detective David Roberts arrested a Carrollton man charging him with multiple counts of rape.

 U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers

Congressman Rogers Votes to End COVID-Era Rules

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers joined House Republicans this week in voting to end lingering COVID-pandemic policies and proceedures.

 U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell

McConnell on Second Anniversary of Burma Coup and Next Steps

‘[I]t is absolutely vital that the United States continue our assistance to the National Unity Government and other key groups working inside Burma to protect the innocent and advance the cause of democracy, and increase cross-border humanitarian aid. By our example, America should rally our partners to raise the international stakes for the Tatmadaw’s continued brutality.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks Wednesday on the Senate floor regarding Burma:

Attorney General Daniel Cameron

Kentucky Attorney General Launches 'Operation Fight Fentanyl' Initiative to Combat Opioid Epidemic

FRANKFORT, KY – Attorney General Daniel Cameron has announced the launch of an initiative to combat the opioid epidemic titled "Operation Fight Fentanyl." The initiative will aid Attorney General Cameron's office in tackling the opioid epidemic by hearing from law enforcement, legislators, stakeholders, and community members regarding the impact of illicit fentanyl on communities across the Commonwealth.


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