
Attention Veterans! Join us on Oct. 28th in Manchester, KY for our Community Outreach Day

Mobile Vet Center

(Manchester, Kentucky) – The Lexington Vet Center is participating in a Veteran Outreach/Information event on October 28th at the Remnant of Life Ministries in Manchester.

The event is scheduled to run from 9:00 a.m. until 1 p.m. at 1 Fayette Properties (Behind the apartment building where the Food Pantry is located next door to IGA) in Manchester, Kentucky

Learn about and apply for VA benefits and health care. Onsite readjustment counseling available.
Confidential and private. Bring your DD-214, if available.

Veterans and their family members are invited to come out and receive information on Vet Center services. Staff will be available to discuss readjustment and transitional needs and to connect veterans to VA and community resources.

A Mobile Vet Center (MVC) will be on site --- all are welcome to tour the vehicle. The customized motorized vehicles, closely resembling RVs; are equipped with confidential counseling space; and equipped with a state of the art communication package. Vets can receive counseling for post-traumatic stress issues, military sexual trauma, marriage and family counseling, and information on VA benefits information. The vehicles also serve as part of the VA emergency response program.

Vet Center staff will be on site to answer questions and assist veterans in making a positive readjustment from military to civilian life.

Veterans are highly encouraged to bring a copy of their DD214 (discharge paperwork) to assist in determining eligibility for services.

For more information, contact …Jeffrey Weems at 859-559-9371


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