
Representative Tim Couch Pre-Files Resolution Calling on EPA to Assist with Compliance

Representative Tim Couch

FRANKFORT, Ky.– Representative Tim Couch, R-Hyden, has pre-filed a resolution urging the United States Environmental Protection Agency to provide regulated entities with advice and compliance assistance for the many laws and regulations it administers, and allow the opportunity to remedy any perceived violations of those regulations or laws, rather than enforcing any type of stern action.

“President Obama’s EPA has enforced an overzealous, rulemaking agenda that has devastated our coal industry,” said Rep. Couch, whose district lies largely within coal producing counties. “The loss of our coal mining jobs has not only deprived our citizens of the chance to work for a good wage, but has prevented our communities from thriving. If the EPA is going to continue their attack on our way of life, the least they can do is help entities try to comply with the burdensome regulations they force upon us.”

Since 2008, the Obama Administration has implemented a bevy of laws and regulations that have wreaked havoc on the Kentucky coal industry.

“Kentucky has seen its lowest number of coal miners since 1899,” Rep. Couch added. “If we want to see Eastern Kentucky thrive once again, we must have an administration willing to work with us. I believe this resolution is a way for both parties to compromise, and it is my hope that the EPA will loosen the reins some on the aggressive agenda that has so negatively impacted our region.”

Upon approval from the General Assembly, BR 166 will be submitted to the EPA and each member of Kentucky’s Congressional delegation for review.


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