►KY Forage & Grassland Council Annual Field Day - September 13th at the Edenshale Research & Demonstration Farm in Owenton, KY. Registration & exhibit viewing will begin at 3:30 pm Wagon tours: Novel Endophyte Tall Fescue and Seedhead Suppression, Alternative Summer Forages to Maximize Beef Gain in Kentucky and Rainfall Collection Watering Systems and Manure Management for Livestock Producers.
A meal sponsored by the KY Cattlemen’s Association will start at 6:30 pm. To register, visit http://KFGCFieldDay.eventbrite.com or call 502-484-5703. This field day is free.
►Pins and Needles homemaker Club will be teaching the 30’s Dog Quilt at their next meeting on September 17th at 10 am at the Extension Office. If anyone is interested in making the quilt & for the supply list, please contact Lora at 598-2789 so they will have enough copies of the directions. FREE & open to the public!
►Beef Bash 2016 - September 22nd beginning at 9 am CT at the UK Research & Education Center in Princeton, KY. This exciting field day will offer many demonstrations, commercial exhibits, educational exhibits & more. You will have opportunities for hands on activities & the chance to visit with other KY beef cattle producers, UK personnel & administration as well as KCA staff & leadership. You can call Jeff at 598-2789 for more info or visit http://www.facebook.com/KyBeefIRM to view the Beef Bash 2016 flyer.
►Etiquette 101 - October homemaker leader’s training - September 23rd at 10 am at the Extension Office. Rebecca Miller will be teaching the program for us. This program is FREE & open to the public.
►2016 Pumpkin Days - September 28th for headstart & pre-School classes & September 29th for kindergarten & 1st grade classes in Quicksand on the Robinson Center campus. Teachers: You can call 606-666-2438 ext. 291 for more info & to register your class.
►The 4-H Teen Club will be meeting on Monday, September 26th or Thursday, September 28th at Rawlings & Stinson Park at 5:30 pm. Date will be determined later.
►The Governor’s Office for Agriculture Policy has funded the SOAR Small Production Loan Fund for a second round. These are loans up to $7,500 repayable over 5 years at 1% interest with year one, interest only. This is just the right amount of cash to get a small producer to the next level. You can call Jeff at 598-2789 for more information on SOAR.
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Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability.