
Resolution at federal level last option for married gay couple evicted in Clay County - Destruction of property is an emerging issue

Manchester, KY - The Kentucky Equality Federation is an umbrella organization for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender civil rights in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

The organization has apparently decided to intervene in what they believe to be an unlawful eviction of a married Clay County, KY gay couple.

According to a Kentucky Equality Federation. press release, Joshua Melton and James Raymond Feltner, a married couple, were recently unlawfully evicted from their apartment, assaulted, and sued in Manchester, KY.

During the alleged illegal eviction, the landlord stated she "would not rent to faggots." and a representative in the Office of the County Attorney accused them of lying before even taking their assault complaint.

After Kentucky Equality Federation investigated, it was discovered with the county attorney, there is a conflict of interest, as he is also the private attorney of the landlord, Esther Thompson, who is a city council member (request documentation)

The Kentucky Equality Federal Federation states that they will once again call on the Office of United States Attorney, Kerry Harvey, to review a case in Manchester, Kentucky for prosecution. Having exhausted our options to have this handled locally, and by the Commonwealth, the only recourse is to pursue resolution at the federal level.

Destruction of property is now an emerging issue:

Posts on social media and other sources have suggested that the couple were housing several dogs in their apartment that contributed to extensive damage to the dwelling, leaving the landlord no other option but eviction.

*Note*: ClayCoNews has spoken with one of the contractors that were contacted to make the apartment in question suitable for a new tenet(s) and according to the contractor, the apartment is in such a deplorable condition that the entire flooring will have to be replaced before even considering allowing rental of the unit.


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