
Clay County Republicans to Vote this Saturday - Caucus will replace the May Republican Presidential Primary

This article contains information that Clay County/Manchester, Kentucky voters
will need to know in order to participate in the upcoming March caucus.

Clay County, KY -  This year in Kentucky, the traditional May Republican Presidential Primary will be replaced by a caucus. The earlier March 5, 2016 caucus date will make Kentucky more relevant in choosing a GOP nominee.


The caucus will take place on Saturday, March 5th, 2016 at EKU Manchester Campus. Voting hours are 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.


Voters will arrive any time between the hours of 10 AM to 4 PM to EKU MANCHESTER.

Immediately inside they will see dozens (or hundreds) of other Republicans, visiting tables for each of the presidential candidates who have elected to participate in the Kentucky Caucus. There may be a representative for each candidate who can answer questions. Voters may also be given information from the local county party, or other non profit organizations.

When voters are ready to cast their vote by secret ballot, the caucus goers will move to the balloting area. At this point, the caucus will feel like a typical polling location. Voters will present identification to a trained Caucus Official, who will look them up on the voter roster. Voters will sign in, just like they would during a typical election, and will be handed a ballot. After marking their selection, they will insert their ballot into a ballot box.


Republican voters who registered to vote by December 31, 2015 in Kentucky are eligible to vote in the March 5th Caucus.


Kentucky’s Republican delegates will be allocated proportionately among the delegates as described in the RPK rules. Specifically, each candidate who receives at least five percent (5%) of the total votes cast at the caucus shall be awarded a pro-rata portion of the authorized delegate vote for the Kentucky Republican Party at the Republican National Convention.


Only voters who meet one of the following qualifying criteria may apply to vote absentee:

The voter will be absent from their county on the day of the caucus

A caucus location is not established in the county in which the voter’s registration record is filed

The voter is an active duty member of the military and is stationed outside the county in which their voter registration record is filed

The voter will be at least (70) years of age on the day of the caucus

The voter, due to a medical condition or disability, admission to or residence in a healthcare facility, would face undue hardship to vote in person at the voter’s designated caucus location

The voter is a student who does not reside in the county in which their voter registration record is filed.

An absentee application form is available for download at

A voter may submit the absentee ballot application form to the Republican Party of Kentucky through the following avenues:

Postal Mail:

Republican Party of Kentucky
PO Box 1068
Frankfort, KY 40602

Fax: 502.223.5625

The last day the Republican Party of Kentucky will accept absentee applications will be February 19, 2016.

Completed absentee ballots must be received at the state party headquarters by 5:00 pm ET on Friday, March 4, 2016.

A voter will become ineligible to vote in person at any caucus location once an absentee ballot has been mailed to the voter.

Stay up to date in with the Clay County Caucus here:  Clay County Caucus For Republican Voters



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