●Gluten Free Cooking School will be March 3rd at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office. Come participate in a hands-on gluten free cooking class. You will be taking home to bake products you have prepared at the program using different types of flour or mixes. Class is limited so you must call to register at 598-2789. Free and open to the public.
●There will be a Grafting and Pruning Demonstration on March 3rd. The first Grafting Demo will be at 10:00 am and the 2nd will be at 6:00 pm. Both will be held at the Laurel County Extension Office. The Pruning Demo will be held at a farm so you need to be ready to leave from the Laurel County Extension Office at 1:00 pm. Call the Clay County Office at 598-2789 to register or for more information. Free and open to the public.
●Chris Smigell, UK Horticulture Specialist, will be doing a Tree and Small Fruit Pruning demonstration in Clay County on March 10th starting at 1:30 pm. The location has not been determined as yet. Call to register at 598-2789.
●Vegetable Good Agricultural Practices & Tobacco Good Agricultural Practices will be March 15th at 6 pm at the Laurel Co. Extension Office. Bonnie Sigmon, Laurel Co. Horticulture Agent, will be presenting Good Agricultural Practices for vegetable growers & Dr. Bob Pearce, Tobacco Specialist with University of Kentucky, will present information for tobacco producers. FREE & open to all vegetable & tobacco producers.
●Plate It Up Cooking School is March 17th at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office. Come learn about foods and taste recipes that can be grown in KY gardens. We will have a cooking demonstration on three Plate It Up recipes. Program is free and open to the public but you must call 598-2789 to register. Space is limited.
●Baking Basics will be held March 25th at 1:30 pm at the Extension Office. Come learn about baking, plus you will take home a brownie mix that you will add wet ingredients and bake at home. Please call 598-2789 to register. Free and open to the public.
●Homemaker’s Leader Training Cooking for 1 or 2 will be March 29th at 10:00 am at the Extension Office. This will be an excellent program for those of us needing to cook for one or two. The program is free and open to the public, but call 598-2789 to register.
Educational programs of the Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability or national origin.