While the investigation of the threat continues, to ensure the safety of our campus community, all Eastern Kentucky University campuses remain closed Thursday, October 8th and Friday October 9th, 2015. Classes are cancelled, including all EKU weekend classes. Essential services will remain open, and police presence around the campus will continue to be increased. Updated information will continue to be available at http://emergency.eku.edu/public-safety-alerts-updates-0.
(859) 622-INFO (4636), an information hotline, has been established for individuals to call and be directed to the most current information.
The EKU Police Department continues to follow up on tips issued from the community and is actively investigating the threat in conjunction with other Federal and State Law Enforcement agencies.
On the morning of October 5, 2015, the Eastern Kentucky University Police Department issued a Public Safety Alert after receiving a report about graffiti with threatening language. The graffiti, found in a bathroom in the Powell Building, states, "KILL ALL BY 10/8/15 THIS BU OOP."
Public Safety Update for the Morning of October 8th, 2015
As always, we ask that you allow our trained law enforcement professionals to provide for the safety of everyone. Individual private protection efforts by well-meaning people will impede our efforts to investigate this case and provide comprehensive security protection in the days ahead. We encourage all members of the campus community to be vigilant in ensuring the safety of themselves and their fellow Colonels.
- If you see something, say something. Report any firsthand knowledge you have about threatening behavior, or suspicious activity immediately, to the EKU Police Department at (859) 622-1111.
- Please tune in to WEKU’s Eastern Standard program, 88.9FM, this morning at 11:00AM. President Benson, Executive Director Makinen, and Emergency Manager Folckemer will be speaking about the threat.
The EKU Police Department, in conjunction with other law enforcement agencies, continues to actively investigate this incident and provide increased patrols. They are interviewing persons of interest who have been identified through community-issued tips. The University is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the identification, arrest, and conviction of the responsible person or persons.
We encourage all members of the campus community to follow these basic safety precautions:
- Immediately report suspicious persons loitering around University facilities.
- If you become the victim of a crime, do not try to physically detain or apprehend the criminal. Report the incident immediately to the EKU Police Department at 911 or (859) 622-1111.
- On or off campus, walk/jog/bike in groups of three or more in well-lit and well-traveled areas.
- After dark, on campus, ride the campus shuttlehttp://parking.eku.edu/evening-shuttle-serviceor call (859) 622-1111 for a walking escort, when the shuttle is not running.
- Scan the area before you exit or approach your vehicle/building and while you proceed between sites.
- Have your key ready in hand to quickly access the door of your vehicle/building.
- If strangers approach, maintain a distance and be observant. If they are in a vehicle, get the license plate number, if possible.
- Lock doors and windows of your room/building. Do not prop open doors or let strangers in.
The EKU Police Department, through its investigative processes, has been unable to substantiate a specific threat against a specific building. Anyone having firsthand information relative to a specific threat or message should contact EKU Police at (859) 622-1111 or via the online form at http://www.police.eku.edu/eku-tip-reporting. Please be aware that knowingly making a false police report is a criminal offense.
Please rely on official communications from the President’s Office and the Division of Public Safety, as opposed to unsubstantiated social media posts. We will continue to communicate in as timely and transparent a fashion as possible, within the context and constraints of an ongoing investigation. The latest information is posted at http://police.eku.edu/public-safety-alert-updates.
Personal Safety - What you can do right now
Take the time necessary to learn how to be prepared for any emergency situation on or off campus.
Visit the EKU Emergency Management webpage at http://emergency.eku.edu/, and our Emergency Action Quick Reference and Sheltering In Place page with Sub Links to various Emergencies at http://emergency.eku.edu/emergency-action-quick-reference-and-sheltering-place.
You can further prepare by reviewing The General EKU Emergency Action Plan (pdf format) athttp://emergency.eku.edu/sites/emergency.eku.edu/files/1_eku_general_emergency_action_plan_-_template_-_09022015.pdfand specific Building Emergency Action Plans athttp://emergency.eku.edu/building-emergency-action-plans.
Stay Informed - Register to receive mass notifications through RAVE Mobile Safety
To Register:
Current Students, Faculty, and Staff:
Log on to EKU Direct (https://web4s.eku.edu/pls/prod/twbkwbis.P_WWWLogin) with your EKU ID and PIN. In the main menu, click the Rave Mobile Safety - Emergency Notifications link.
Register to receive text, voice, and/or email messaging. Note: Email messages are automatically sent to all current EKU email addresses and you cannot opt-out of receiving messages on your EKU email account.
To receive text and voice messages you must opt-in by entering your telephone number(s).
Other Community Members:
Go to the Rave Site Look-up and search for Eastern Kentucky University (http://www.getrave.com/login/eku).
Click the Register Button in the upper right hand corner.
Register your information and select to receive text, voice, and/or email messaging.
This series of daily updates will continue until further notice.