Clay, Jackson Laurel, Leslie, and Owsley County High School Juniors and Seniors:
We have extended the EKU Now Dual Credit application deadline for Manchester through the end of the week. If you have any high school juniors or seniors still interested in taking Dual Credit classes at EKU Manchester, don’t hesitate to have them complete the attached Application and Tuition Acknowledgment Form. The forms can be dropped off at the Manchester Campus by Friday, August 7th by 4:30 pm or faxed to 859-622-6646 or emailed to .
The Orientation and Registration date for admitted EKU Now Dual Credit students who have already applied will be Thursday, August 6 at 3:30. We have set a make-up Orientation for newly admitted students on Wednesday August 12 at 3:30 pm.
EKU Dual Credit Application 2014-15 .pdf
EKU Tuition Acknowledgement 3-20-15.pdf
Fall 2015 Manchester Dual Credit Classes and Requirements.pdf