Laurel County, Ky. - Sheriff John Root is reporting that Detective Charlie Loomis assisted by Detective Josh Scott and detective Richard Dalrymple are conducting a homicide investigation into the discovery of two individuals found deceased at the scene of a house fire on Slate Ridge Road approximately 8 miles south of London on Sunday morning March 8, 2015 at approximately 10:06 A.M.
Apparently, fire department personnel arrived at the scene to find flames coming from the attic area of the residence and found 2 victims inside the residence. The fire had been reported by the victim's grandson.
The victims are identified as Donnie Jackson approximately 62 years of age and Sharon Jackson approximately 58 years old, believed to be husband and wife, both found with gunshot wounds, and pronounced dead at the scene by officials with the Laurel County Coroner's office.
A fire, of undetermined origin and cause, had occurred at the scene. An autopsy was scheduled in Frankfort for Monday morning. Assisting at the scene was Sheriff John Root, Lieut. Greg Poynter, Deputy Kevin Berry, Deputy Brandon Broughton, Deputy Larry Parrott, Deputy Tommy Houston and Deputy Gilbert Acciardo.
Also assisting at the scene was Lily Volunteer Fire department, CampGround Volunteer Fire Department, and Laurel County Volunteer Fire department.
John Blanton, with the Lexington Fire Department is assisting the sheriff's office on the fire investigation to determine cause and origin. In addition, Laurel County EMS assisted. Also, Laurel County's Emergency Management Director Abby Hale assisted. Investigation is continuing by lead investigator – Sheriff's Detective Charlie Loomis.
Pictured is the scene :