
Monetary Donations Best Way to Assist with Oklahoma Tornado Recovery

In the aftermath of devastating Oklahoma tornadoes, the public is reminded that the best way to help with tornado recovery is to support the voluntary agencies working in the disaster area with monetary donations.

When we see the pictures of the devastation in Oklahoma, we immediately want to help.  We need to focus that generosity in a way that can be effective immediately. That means supporting the agencies that are already active in the relief effort. "
Monetary donations enable the relief agencies to purchase items locally as they are needed. This cuts down on transportation costs, helps the local economy and allows the agencies to meet the rapidly changing needs in the disaster area.

"There are many relief organizations already working in the disaster area," MEMA Director Rob McAleer said. "We urge all those who want to help to pick up a phone, send a check or visit a web site to make a cash donation."

The United Way of Central Oklahoma has activated a Tornado Relief Fund. Proceeds will be distributed to United Way partner agencies working on tornado relief. Donations may be made three ways:

1. Give online to the May Tornadoes Relief Fund located on the United Way of Central Oklahoma's home page at If you are having trouble donating online: 2. Give by credit card: Call 405-523-3598, 405-523-3597, or 405-236-8441 3. Give by mailing a check to United Way of Central Oklahoma, P.O. Box 837, Oklahoma City, OK 73101 with notation for May Tornado Relief.

For those wishing to donate to a specific relief group, the National Donations Management Network maintains a list of voluntary agencies working in Oklahoma, including both local faith-based groups and well-known national organizations such as the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army, at:


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