
ISP Superintendent Doug Carter and Chief Photographer Thomas Triol

Indiana State Police Photographer Tom Triol Receives Distinguished Service Awards

Indianapolis, IN - During a recent statewide Indiana State Police Awards Ceremony, Superintendent Doug Carter presented Chief Photographer Thomas Triol with two distinguished awards, honoring his commitment to preserving the history of the Indiana State Police.

First he was presented with an ISP Meritorious Service Award, then a Distinguished Hoosier Award presented by Superintendent Carter on behalf of Governor Eric Holcomb.

Tom Triol joined the Indiana State Police February 17, 2014 after a 33 year career as a videographer and editor, first as Chief Photographer for WLFI-TV in West Lafayette then at WRTV in Indianapolis. He has served as the Chief Photographer for the Indiana State Police for more than ten years, and recently retired from his position in May, 2024.

While many recognize Tom as the man behind the camera at nearly every state police function, the actual value of Mr. Triol’s work far exceeds this categorization. Tom has been directly responsible for documenting and preserving the history of the Indiana State Police in ways that were not done before. Mr. Triol has spent countless hours discovering, reviewing, and cataloging photographs and videos in meaningful ways. Tom has researched these documents and identified the names of Department employees and, when possible, the stories behind them.

Tom has captured events statewide in video and still formats, so those involved may revisit these memories in future years. Mr. Triol often utilizes multiple cameras to capture events and then spends hours editing the footage to produce a professional quality product. Tom also promotes the Department in a positive light by publishing events on the Indiana State Police Information Channel on YouTube. Mr. Triol takes great pride in his craft and strives for excellence in every facet of his job. Tom has never sought recognition for his work, and I believe it is his humble nature that has continually put the focus on “what we do” as an agency.

Superintendent Carter has previously recognized Mr. Triol for his work via a proclamation marking July 18, 2019, as Thomas Triol Day. Tom’s impact on preserving the history of the Indiana State Police Department will be felt for many years. Tom has laid the groundwork defining the expectations of his position and the importance of documenting who we are.

Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter said. "I am beyond grateful for Tom Triol, he has dedicated his talent and his time to the preservation of our history, many generations who come after us will benefit from his efforts. I'm proud to have had the honor to work with Tom and I would encourage anyone to visit the Indiana State Police Museum to see his work first hand."

Tom's wife Shelley serves as the Indiana State Police Museum Curator. Tom is looking forward to volunteering some time in retirement to continue preserving ISP History.


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