
L to R: Scott Vinson, Senator McConnell, and Dana Midkiff

Senator Mitch McConnell Named 2024 "Hero of Main Street"

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was recognized as a 2024 "Hero of Main Street" by the National Retail Federation (NRF) for his work to help advance public policy that encourages a vibrant and healthy retail sector.

Senator McConnell was presented the award by Scott Vinson, VP of Government Affairs at NRF, and Dana Midkiff, Owner of Pink Door Wreaths in Shepherdsville, Kentucky.

"As Senate Republican Leader, I've been proud to champion Kentucky's small businesses in Washington, advancing legislation at the federal level that empowers Main Street and stimulates our economy," said Senator McConnell. "It was great to welcome Kentuckian Dana Midkiff to the U.S. Capitol and to thank her for her commitment to helping small businesses across the Commonwealth."

"As a Kentucky small business owner, it was an honor to visit with Senator McConnell and present him with the 'Hero of Main Street' award," said Dana Midkiff, Owner of Pink Door Wreaths. "I appreciate that Senator McConnell is focused on helping Kentucky's small businesses thrive, and we thank him for his continued support."

"The retail industry directly impacts every congressional district in the United States, providing goods, services and American jobs," NRF Executive Vice President of Government Relations David French said. "NRF is honored to recognize Senator McConnell as a 'Hero of Main Street' for his continued support of the retail industry through legislative action and leadership."

The "Hero of Main Street" award was created by NRF in 2013 to recognize a bipartisan group of lawmakers for their support of the retail industry's public policy priorities. Award eligibility is based on key votes, bill sponsorship and advocacy to advance the industry's priorities.



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