

New Report Exposes Threats to Kentucky’s Electricity Supply

FRANKFORT, KY – A new report by Quanta Technology, “Ensuring Reliability: A Case Study of the PJM Power Grid,” examines risks to the reliability of the PJM power grid. PJM is an independent system operator that manages the flow of electricity across all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia, including part of Kentucky. The report was prepared for America’s Power, a member of Dependable Power First Kentucky.

new report shows that Kentucky and other states in the PJM region face the risk of electricity shortages that could trigger rolling blackouts or brownouts in the future. The report identifies the premature retirement of baseload power plants as a key factor that is causing these risks. The retirement of baseload power plants in PJM, combined with other factors, could require cutting off power to as many as 14 million homes in the PJM region. Dependable Power First Kentucky issued the following statement:

“Quanta Technology’s analysis is further proof of what our country’s leading energy experts have been saying: policies designed to close baseload power plants and accelerate a transition to wind and solar energy have failed to consider the harm to our electricity supply and the impact on electricity prices. In Kentucky, where natural gas and coal provide most of our electricity, these policies are especially harmful. An all-of-the-above energy policy that takes advantage of all sources of electricity is essential to maintaining a reliable electric grid and a healthy economy.”

View the report here. For more information, please visit

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Dependable Power First Kentucky is a diverse coalition of businesses, associations, and advocacy groups committed to securing a reliable and affordable energy future for all Kentuckians.


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