
U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson from Louisiana

On Wednesday in Washington D.C. the 56th Speaker of the House was sworn in by Congressman "Hal" Rogers of Kentucky

WASHINGTON, DC -- The U.S. House of Representatives elected U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson from Louisiana as the 56th Speaker of the House on Wednesday.

House Republicans voted unanimously to give the conservative four-term congressman the Speaker's gavel. U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (KY-05), who serves as Dean of the House, gave Speaker Johnson the official oath of office.

Hal Rogers 200

"When our founding fathers chose a new bold and innovative self-rule of governing, it was met by deep skepticism by the world's monarchs.

They said self-rule is only a dream.

Our founders said, they're right - it's the American dream.

Now it's our dream. We're in charge. 

The Speakership of the United States House of Representatives is the crucial outpost for the well-being of the people's government - the keeper, if you will, of the dream," said Congressman Rogers, before swearing in Speaker Johnson on the House Floor. 


U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (KY-05), Dean of the House, gave Speaker Johnson the official oath of office.

Speaker Johnson first took office in 2017, rising to power with the shortest tenure in Congress since House Speaker John Carlisle from Kentucky in 1883.

Following the formal proceedings, Speaker Johnson called the first vote for a House Resolution condemning the Hamas attack on Israel, condemning terrorist support from Iran, and demanding the immediate release of all hostages. 

"We've lost three weeks of governing due to the Speaker vacancy, and this House is eager to get back to work, specifically to address our southern border crisis and to stand firm with Israel," said Congressman Rogers.

"The United States should always support Israel, our long-time ally, and condemn all forms of terrorism. As Speaker Johnson said, this nation should be a beacon of hope in a world that desperately needs it, and this resolution is a meaningful first step with our new leader and a united Republican conference." 

The bipartisan House Resolution overwhelmingly passed the House, also urging full enforcement of U.S. sanctions against Iran. 

For more information about Congressman Rogers' work in Washington and at home in Kentucky, visit and follow him on social media.


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