

LSO Staff, Deputies and other Police Agencies attend Safety Meeting at Sublimity Elementary School in London, Kentucky


LONDON, KY - Laurel County Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel County Sheriff's Major Robbie Grimes. SRO Deputy Charlie Johnson, Public Affairs Deputy Gilbert Acciardo along with LSO staff, deputies and other police agencies attended a school safety meeting at Sublimity Elementary School on Monday morning August 21, 2023.

LSO EAGLES logos 200School officials there briefed area emergency service personnel on Sublimity's "emergency management response plan" in the event of an emergency at their school.

School officials have provided a schematic of their school, listing their staging areas, and responses in the event of any emergencies there.

A breakfast was provided and afterwards law enforcement officers were escorted through the school, and students showed their appreciation for "their law enforcement friends".

Sheriff John Root extended his appreciation to Sublimity's principal, school staff, and students for their kindness.

**See attached pictures of the event HERE.

*London City Police, Laurel County School Police and a State School Marshal -Stuart Adams were also in attendance.


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