
Laurel Sheriff John Root

Laurel County, Kentucky Sheriff's Office Participating in Nationwide "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" Campaign

LONDON, KY - Laurel Sheriff John Root is reporting that the Laurel County Sheriff's office is participating in the Nationwide "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" campaign.

Drive sober campaign 190The Campaign will begin on Wednesday, August 16th and run through Labor Day Weekend concluding on Monday, September 4th.

This effort is conducted annually prior to and including the Labor Day Weekend. During this period, officers nationwide/statewide including Laurel County Sheriff's deputies participate in this endeavor in an attempt to concentrate on removing impaired drivers from Laurel County Roads and statewide. Impaired drivers continue to be a leading cause of traffic crashes, both injury and fatalities, on Kentucky roads.

Deputies also will be concentrating on seat belt violations, child safety seat violations, speeding and distracted driving. Our goal is to help keep Laurel County families safe, and to make Laurel County roads safer during the holidays, and everyday.

Sheriff John Root reminds citizens to always drive defensively, and always expect the unexpected. Deputies will continue to aggressively remove impaired drivers from Laurel County Roads each and every day.


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