
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

McConnell Delivers Senate Passage of Kentucky Water Priorities

WRDA will ‘strengthen our waterways, increase access to safe drinking water, and protect against the dangers of floods’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced in December the Senate passed several provisions he championed to invest in Kentucky’s water infrastructure. The legislation will go to President Trump to be signed into law.

“Kentucky’s inland waterways are critical infrastructure that provide good jobs for tens of thousands of workers and cherished recreation for so many more. I was proud to deliver for communities across Kentucky in this legislation to strengthen our waterways, increase access to safe drinking water, and protect against the dangers of floods,” said Senator McConnell. “At the heart of our nation’s inland waterways system, Kentucky communities have tapped into our waters’ great potential. It’s been my privilege to secure billions in federal funding for projects that continue to pay dividends in our Commonwealth.”

Preserving West Kentucky’s Inland Waterways and Outdoor Recreation

1.       Kentucky Lock: Senator McConnell secured an increase in the federal funding authorization for Kentucky Lock to more than $1.1 billion. The improvement project was expected to reach its previous authorization limit as early as 2022.

  • Senator McConnell has delivered $600 million to construct a new and larger lock since Congress first authorized the project in 1996.
  • In October, Senator McConnell joined Kentuckians in the Jackson Purchase to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kentucky Lock and Dam.

“On behalf of inland waterways operators in Kentucky and across the county, we are appreciative of Leader McConnell’s leadership in passing the Water Resources Development Act of 2020,” said Matt Ricketts, Chairman of Waterways Council Inc. and President and CEO of Crounse Corporation in Paducah, Kentucky. “The bill includes a construction cost-share adjustment for inland waterways infrastructure that will allow for inland waterways projects to be completed more efficiently, and a reauthorization of Kentucky Lock that will allow for its work to continue to completion. Inland waterways projects such as Kentucky Lock return substantial cost-savings to not only Kentucky but the Nation, and facilitate shippers and manufacturers’ ability to compete globally.”

2.       65% - 35% Cost-Sharing Agreement: Senator McConnell helped negotiate a new 65% - 35%  cost-sharing agreement for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ major construction projects to invest more federal funding into projects like Kentucky Lock. This legislative cost-share change could accelerate the completion of the Kentucky Lock project by as much as three years.

3.       Asian Carp Prevention and Eradication Programs: Senator McConnell championed an authorization of $45 million for both the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to combat the invasion of Asian Carp. His legislation creates a new Asian Carp Pilot Program to be administered by the Army Corps and ensures that up to 10 projects must be deployed in the Cumberland or Tennessee River Watersheds, which would include Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley. The legislation also directs the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to prioritize its work in these watersheds, which would include both Kentucky lakes.

“Senator McConnell remains committed to Western Kentucky. He understands the impact Asian Carp are having on our waterways and with his experience and effectiveness, secured critical funding to finish what he started,” said Lyon County Judge-Executive Wade White. “By returning this money to Western Kentucky, Senator McConnell is guaranteeing that our ability to enjoy and earn a living on our waterways will be protected for years to come. Senator McConnell refused to accept the devastating effect these fish were having and continues to champion efforts against them that will benefit us all. He’s more than my friend, he’s the strong leader we need who’s getting the job done for Kentucky.”

4.       Flood Control Pump Stations: Senator McConnell supported a provision to authorize $60 million for the repair of failing flood control pump stations, which could bring federal funding to replace failing pump stations in West Kentucky.

Protecting Families in Louisville and the Lincoln Trial

1.       Louisville Flood Protection System Reconstruction: Senator McConnell included an authorization of $188 million to improve Louisville’s flood protection infrastructure, which is in need of upgrades as shown by the severe flooding that took place in 2018.

“I want to thank Senator McConnell for his continued leadership for our city. Here is another example of why it is so critical to have the Senate Majority Leader from Kentucky, and more specifically Louisville,” said Louisville Metro Councilman Anthony Piagentini, District 19. “As a former Jefferson County Judge/Executive, Senator McConnell has not forgotten about his hometown. He has delivered on this critical infrastructure funding. This will have tremendous impact on our whole community, but will have especially positive impact on more historically disadvantaged communities. Thank you Senator McConnell for your hard work.”

2.       Rough River Easements: Senator McConnell has continued fighting for families at Rough River Lake, authorizing $10 million for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to relinquish its rights to certain property at the lake. This authorization builds on previous legislation authored by Senators McConnell and Rand Paul, which prohibited the Army Corps from collecting costly administrative fees from property owners to fund the federal government’s past land surveying mistakes.  

“Senator McConnell continues to fight for the Rough River community,” said Breckinridge County Judge/Executive Maurice Lucas. “This provision builds on Senator McConnell’s previous work to ensure local landowners avoid a costly and burdensome process. This will finally put this issue to rest, and we have Senator McConnell to thank for it.” 

Delivering safe water to Rural Eastern Kentucky

1.       Kentucky 531 Environmental Infrastructure Program:  Senator McConnell supported Congressman Hal Rogers’ (KY-05) efforts to raise the authorization limit for Kentucky 531, an environmental infrastructure program Congressman Rogers established in 1996. This legislation authorizes $100 million—a $60 million increase from its previous authorization level—for improvements to publicly owned wastewater treatment and water supply facilities as well as surface water resource protection and development initiatives. 

  • Senator McConnell also supported expanding the program’s eligibility to four new counties—Boyd, Carter, Elliott, and Lincoln.
  • In January, Senator McConnell contacted the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and asked it to include this program in the Army Corps’ annual report to Congress that identifies environmental infrastructure projects eligible for congressional authorization. The Army Corps included the program, which paved the way for its authorization increase. 



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