
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

McConnell: Proud to Support Judge Barrett's Confirmation and Proud of this Precedent-Backed Process

LOUISVILLE, KY – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued the following statement today regarding the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States:

"The Judiciary Committee and the American people just heard from one of the most impressive nominees for public office that I have ever seen.

"Judge Amy Coney Barrett exhibited every bit of the intellectual brilliance, legal expertise, and open-minded judicial temperament that our nation needs on the Supreme Court.

"Even the Democratic Senators who had pre-committed to oppose the nominee could not question her qualifications. Democrats just recited the same hysterical policy predictions they have recycled for every nominee from every Republican president for half a century.

"The insinuations around the nominee's religious faith have been embarrassing. But thus far, the left has declined to repeat the shameful circus of 2018 and try the politics of personal destruction. Let us hope such tactics remain off the table.

"I will proudly vote to confirm Judge Barrett, and will lead the full Senate to take up her nomination as soon as the Committee reports it out next week.


"This confirmation process falls squarely within history and precedent. Neither falsehoods nor strong feelings change the facts.

"History shows that when Supreme Court vacancies arise in presidential election years, the outcome hinges on whether the same party or different parties control the presidency and the Senate. The circumstances we faced in 2016 have only led to confirmation two times in American history and zero times since 1888. The circumstances before us today have led to confirmation every single time except one nominee with financial scandals.

"Our timeframe is likewise normal. Sixteen days elapsed between Judge Barrett's announcement and the start of her hearings. Just since 1960, eight Supreme Court confirmations have moved more quickly than that. Now, one week will elapse between the end of hearings and the Committee vote. Half of all Supreme Court confirmations since 1916 have moved more quickly than that.

"This process has been precedent-backed at every step. Yesterday, the lead Democrat on the Judiciary Committee praised Chairman Graham's "fairness" and said "this has been one of the best sets of hearings that I've participated in."

"Democrats cannot articulate any substantive reason why the Senate should not proceed. Sadly, they are resorting to disinformation. Senate Democrats are misstating history in ways that even the Washington Post says are not true. Former Vice President Biden has made claims about this process that even PolitiFact has rated "False."

"Everybody knows the far left is just trying to invent justifications for a court-packing tantrum that would wreck the judiciary. These threats will not stop the Senate from following precedent or confirming this brilliant nominee."



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