
State Level Decision To Alter Voting Procedures Will Make 2020 June Primary A Unique Election In Ky.

MANCHESTER, KY (June 9, 2020) - According to The Manchester Enterprise, Clay County Clerk Mike Baker says the upcoming primary election will be unique after the decision was made at the state level to alter voting procedures due to COVID-19. The voting process for the election which will take place on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 is explained by Clerk Baker in the following report published in the Enterprise on Monday.

 In response to the COVID 19 Pandemic, Governor Andy Beshear issued an executive order and worked with the Secretary of State and the KY Board of Elections regarding how the election is to be held in Kentucky for PRIMARY 2020. One of the main reasons for the change is the problem of getting enough election officers to staff the voting precincts. Many, if not most, of the officers in the state fall into the category of high risk for the Coronavirus due to age and underlying health issues. There is a problem statewide of getting enough officers to serve on a good day so they knew it would really be a problem in a pandemic.

For example: In Clay County, out of 160 names that were to be submitted to the Clay County Board of Elections by the precinct captains, only 71 names of people willing to serve were turned in. After asking for other volunteers, 4 more signed up for a total of 75 officers to fill the 80 spots needed for a regular election cycle, not counting alternates. Out of those 75, only 16 have agreed to serve during the pandemic. So, to limit poll worker and voter exposure to illness, all voters have been given the opportunity to vote absentee by mail or walk in. For those unable to vote absentee, there will be one county wide polling location open at the Clay County High School Gym on Election Day.

Another difference that voters will see this election is the new equipment that will be used for in-person voting. The process was already underway nationwide to go to a paper ballot system in response to general voter distrust of the electronic machines. Therefore, they went ahead and implemented it now since we needed the high-speed scanning equipment to be able to handle the large number of paper absentee ballots expected in this election, many times over what our offices are used to handling. The paper ballots can be marked by pen or an electronic marking system. The paper ballot is then placed into a scanner for counting. This is a very secure system that can be counted by hand if necessary due to mechanical failure or to validate the totals. This eliminates the fear of any chance of programming errors or hacking that may alter the totals on an electronic machine. The system is very easy to use, easier than before. The electronic marking system also has an audio system making it easy for someone with vision difficulties to mark their ballot as they choose. All mail-in ballots are signature verified for identification. Kentucky has a very secure system that only allows ballots to be sent upon request.

The mail-in absentee and walk-in absentee will both use a pre-printed ballot like the ballots that have been used here for years for mail-in absentee. There will also be the electronic ballot option for anyone needing the disability option or anyone that requests to use that machine rather than marking by pen. The mail-in option is underway at this time and can be accessed by the options shown on the card that all registered voters received in the last couple of weeks. Those options are by applying online at or calling the clerk’s office at 606-598-2544. The walk-in absentee voting will be held from June 8, 2020 to June 22, 2020 from 8 AM to 4:30PM at the Clay County Administration Building using the side entrance to the building. Appointments to walk in absentee vote are not necessary but are advised to keep the line down. Appointment times will be honored over those who just show up but no eligible voter will be denied the right to vote. For anyone who was unable to vote absentee for whatever reason, voting on election day will be held in the Clay County High School Gym from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM on June 23, 2020. Anyone in line by 6:00 PM will be able to vote. CDC distancing guidelines will be marked and followed.

With the different options, we feel that every eligible voter will have ample opportunity to vote and we expect a large turnout.

The Clay County Board of Elections takes its duty to provide fair and honest elections very seriously and is working hard to ensure the integrity of the election process. Anyone found attempting to subvert this process will be reported to the Commonwealth Attorney and other authorities for prosecution.

We ask that the Clay County voters work with us in conducting a safe and secure Primary Election regardless of the option chosen to cast a vote.


Chairman, Clay County Board of Elections


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