
McConnell Announces Fort Campbell Middle School Construction Will Move Forward

Senator McConnell secured funding for and urged DOD to move forward with the important project to benefit military families

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has announced that the U.S. Department of Defense agreed to his request to move forward on construction of the Fort Campbell Middle School. In a Fiscal Year 2019 appropriations bill, Senator McConnell secured nearly $63 million for construction of the school. The funding was later delayed. Senator McConnell consistently pressed Secretary of Defense Mark Esper on the importance of this project to families of servicemembers stationed at Ft. Campbell and urged him to restore the funding.

Last year, Senator McConnell hosted Secretary Esper in Kentucky. During the visit, Senator McConnell vowed to retain the funding and ensured the Ft. Campbell Middle School would be built. 

“Building this middle school has long been one of my top priorities, and I’ve been proud to stand with the Fort Campbell community every step of the way,” said Senator McConnell. “Kentucky is the most military friendly state in the country, and the completion of this project will make it easier for military families to call Christian County home. This is another great way to show our brave men and women in uniform how grateful we are for their service. As Senate Majority Leader, I’m constantly looking to benefit Kentucky and to deliver for our families. Hearing from this community, I used my position in Washington to secure the federal funding for this project, and we worked together to ensure it would move forward.”

“It is critically important that our soldiers know that while they are out fighting for us, their children are receiving a high quality education at home.  Thank you Leader McConnell for making sure that the Fort Campbell Middle School project goes forward,” said Kentucky State Representative Walker Thomas.

“We are grateful that Senator Mitch McConnell took this issue seriously and continued to fight for our military families at Fort Campbell,” said Kelli Pendleton, President/CEO of the Christian County Chamber of Commerce. “Senator McConnell recognizes that Fort Campbell is home to the most deployed units in the Army and because of their sacrifice, he assured us that their priorities would be protected. He listened to us every step of the way and took our needs to the highest levels of the Defense Department.”  



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