
Power Outages Restored / Wind Damage Scenes from Curry Branch in Clay County, KY

Storm 6

Clay County Road Crews & Jackson Energy contractors worked well into Monday afternoon making Curry Branch Road passable & restoring power for residents

CLAY COUNTY, KY (April 14, 2020) - Beginning on Sunday night April 12, 2020 & continuing through the early Monday AM hours stormy weather with heavy rain and damaging winds moved through Clay & surrounding counties. This event left many residents without electricity, internet, phone service, closed roads & worse. The scenes in this report are from Curry Branch in Clay County, an area that was strongly impacted by the storm.

 Storm 11

Storm 2

Storm 10

Following are Updates issued by Jackson Energy throughout the day on Monday, April 13, 2020:

Jackson Energy maps

UPDATE: As of 10:30 AM this morning we still have a total of 43 outages with 728 members out of power. We currently have 10 total broke poles. Contractor crews are in the field working on changing 5 of the broke poles now. Due to the strong winds that moved through, we have had several lines torn down by trees falling out of the right-a-way. We have all available Jackson Energy personnel in the field working as well as 6 Elliott Contractor crews and 2 right-of-way crews. We will continue to work as quickly and safely as possible until all power has been restored. Today is also lineman appreciation day. If you see our guys out about today give them a big wave so they know how much they are appreciated. #ThankALineworker #jecworkingforyou #heroesinhardhats #keepingthelightson

UPDATE: As of 4:20 PM this evening we still have 24 outages and 4 broke poles that are affecting 155 members who are without power. We will continue to utilize all of our available linemen and contractor crews - who will continue to work as quickly and safely as possible until all power has been restored. If no unforeseen circumstances arise, all power should be restored by late this evening or early morning. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding while we work diligently and carefully to take care of our members. #jecworkingforyou #ThankALineworker #herosinhardhats #keepingthelightson #restoringpower

UPDATE: As of 10:10 PM tonight all power outages have been restored! Thank you to all of our members for your patience and understanding - it will always be our mission to restore your power as quickly and safely as we possible can. Thank you to our field personnel, contractor crews, office staff and everyone that played a part in getting the lights back on!
#jecworkingforyou #restoringpower #teamwork #keepingthelightson


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