

Trafficking Suspect Tells Deputy: "That’s OK, The Court Won’t Do Anything To Me, They Never Do, They Always Let Me Go."

Arrested 3 2 20

FRAKES, KY - The Bell County Sheriff's Department is reporting that: On Monday, March 2, 2020 at approximately 9:14 PM after receiving several complaints of drug activity at the Chenoa Market in Frakes Kentucky, K-9 Deputy Adam Southern conducted a routine patrol in the area.

While pulling into the parking lot of the market, Deputy Southern saw two vehicles, a Toyota Sienna and Nissan Sentra parked side by side and two men were attempting to exchange a clear bag by reaching through the window. Once spotting the deputy the two men and another inside one of the vehicles began moving around in an attempt to conceal something.

Deputy Southern then jumped out of his vehicle ordering one of the men, 32 year old Dustin Edward Bill Phipps of Pineville, to keep his hands visible.

Phipps was asked while exiting the vehicle if he had anything illegal on him and stated he had an open syringe. As Deputy Southern went to retrieve the needle, a clear container fell out of Phipps pocket containing a crystal substance believe to be Methamphetamine. A search incident to arrest revealed that Phipps also had a tin can with crystal residue and a candy case with crystal residue.

Another individual, identified as 38 year old Colin Patrick Gambrel of Pineville, sitting in the driver’s seat of the Nissan Sentra was asked to exit the vehicle but refused, prompting Deputy Southern to draw his taser.

Gambrel then complied but became irate not allowing the deputy to conduct a pat down. The taser was deployed bringing Gambrel under compliance and he was found to be in possession of a large bag of a crystal-like substance believed to be Methamphetamine.

Deputy Southern also deployed K-9 "Chan" around Gambrel’s vehicle which alerted and a further search revealed syringes and empty bags with crystal residue.

The third man, identified as 36 year old Matthew R. Gibson of Pineville, was seen handing the clear bag to Dustin Phipps. He was then asked to exit the Toyota Sienna he was driving. Deputy Southern was able to see a set of digital scales in plain view inside the driver’s door panel. Gibson also had two loaded syringes sticking out of his right front jacket pocket.

The deputy placed Gibson under arrest instructing him to stand by his vehicle and he was seen dropping a clear bag on the ground containing a crystal-like substance believed to be Methamphetamine. He was also in possession of an empty bag with residue. Gibson stated to the deputy when arrested: "That’s OK, the court won’t do anything to me, they never do, they always let me go."

The total weight of the Methamphetamine was 22.1 grams.

All three men were lodged in the Bell County Detention Center.

Dustin Edward Bill Phipps was charged with:

  • Trafficking in controlled substance -1st degree, 1st offense (greater than 2 grams – (Methamphetamine),
  • Buying/possessing drug paraphernalia
  • Possession of controlled substance -1st degree, 1st offense (Methamphetamine)
  • Outstanding parole violation

Colin Patrick Gambrel was charged with:

  • Trafficking in controlled substance -1st degree, 1st offense (greater than 2 grams – Methamphetamine)
  • Buying/possessing drug paraphernalia
  • Possession of controlled substance -1st degree, 1st offense (Methamphetamine)
  • Resisting arrest

Matthew R. Gibson was charged with:

  • Trafficking in controlled substance -1st degree, 1st offense (greater than 2 grams – Methamphetamine)
  • Buying/possessing drug paraphernalia
  • Possession of controlled substance -1st degree, 1st offense (Methamphetamine)

Also assisting on scene was KSP Trooper George Howard and Chaplain Alan Sanders.


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