
Black History Celebration at Kentucky State Capitol to honor contributions to U.S. military

Leader of National Coalition of Black Veteran Organizations to give keynote address

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FRANKFORT, KY -- Contributions of African Americans to the U.S. military and the defense of our nation will be saluted during the 2020 Black History Celebration at the State Capitol on Tuesday, Feb. 11.

The event will include a special award presentation by Gov. Andy Beshear.

“We’re eager to share stories of heroism and show appreciation for African Americans who served our nation throughout its history,” said Rep. Reginald Meeks, Chair of the Black Legislative Caucus, which is hosting the event. “Their inspiring stories are a reminder that we owe much to those who placed service to others ahead of their own self-interest.”

The celebration begins at 11:30 a.m. in the Capitol Rotunda and is open to the public.

Charles Blatcher III will give the keynote address. Blatcher, Chairman of the National Coalition of Black Veteran Organizations, is a U.S. Navy veteran who has served as a consultant and advisor to the Department of the Army, the Department of the Interior, and the White House Conference on Families. He has received numerous honors including a Congressional Black Caucus Award and the George Washington Medal of Excellence from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge.

Remarks will also be offered by members of the Kentucky General Assembly, including legislative leaders.

Sen. Gerald Neal, a member of the Black Legislative Caucus, said the event will pay tribute to national heroes.

“African Americans have played pivotal roles in our nation’s military history all the way back to the American Revolution” said Sen. Gerald Neal, a member of the Kentucky Black Legislative Caucus. “African Americans served at Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill. They fought in the Civil War, they battled Hitler’s army, and they served bravely in conflicts throughout our nation’s history. We want to salute their service and share stories of their service and sacrifice.”

Music will be provided by the Kentucky State University Concert Choir Ensemble.

The event will include an award presentation by the Kentucky Black Legislative Caucus.

Immediately after the celebration, a reception will be held on the Capitol’s 2nd floor mezzanine.



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