

Complaint results in Assault (Dating Violence) & other charges / Clay County

Patti Bennett

MANCHESTER, KY (December 26, 2019) - Clay County Sheriff Patrick Robinson is reporting that: On Wednesday, December 25, 2019 at approximately 11:30 AM Clay County Sheriff Deputy Kendric Smith along with Deputy Jared Smith arrested Patti Bennett, 46 of North Highway 421.

The arrest occurred when units was dispatched to a domestic complaint on North Highway 421.

Upon arrival, units observed a female outside of a residence.

Through investigation it was determined that the above mentioned subject was the aggressor in the physical altercation and was determined to be under the influence.

Patti Bennett was charged with:

• Criminal Trespassing
• Assault 4th Degree (Dating Violence) Minor Injury
• Public Intoxication of Controlled Substance (Excludes Alcohol)

The photo provided is courtesy of the Clay County Detention Center.

Assisting at the scene was Kentucky State Police Trooper Logan Wolfe.


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