
WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Kentucky Benefits from Senator McConnell's Leadership Position

McConnell official 600Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Monday, December 23, 2019

Protecting Coal Families' Pension and Health Benefits

Cecil E. Roberts, United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) President: "Once this legislation is passed and signed by the President, Congress will have saved the lives of thousands throughout America. And while words cannot truly express what retired miners and their families are feeling this day, I can say this: Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's support was crucial to securing this legislation, and on behalf of America's retired coal miners I thank him for his efforts to ensure this became a reality. We will never forget it."

Eddie Embry of Hartford, Kentucky, UMWA retiree: "I cannot begin to tell you what this bill passing means to nearly 100,000 miners and their family members, many of whom are widows worried about their future. Kentucky coal communities appreciate so much Senator McConnell stepping forward and sponsoring a bill that will protect our vital pension and health benefits," said UMWA retiree Eddie Embry of Hartford, Kentucky. "We were in a tough spot that we could not get ourselves out of without him. Senator McConnell's leadership was obviously crucial to the bill passing. We are eternally grateful to Senator McConnell as well as his staff who we've worked with on this matter. This will truly be a Merry Christmas!"

Raising the Minimum Tobacco Purchase Age to 21

Ben Chandler, Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky President and CEO: "The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky is proud to have the leadership of Senator McConnell in protecting our children's health and future, and I was proud to work with him to raise the legal age for sales of all tobacco products from 18 to 21. Across our Commonwealth, we've seen an unprecedented spike in youth vaping and tobacco use, which can too often lead to a lifetime of nicotine dependence and serious health consequences. By helping keep these products away from middle and high school students, we're making progress to support the health of our kids. I'm glad Senator McConnell, as Majority Leader, could build support for this vital legislation, and because of his efforts, I look forward to it becoming law soon."

Kentucky Youth Advocates: We applaud U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for securing the Tobacco-Free Youth Act in the federal Fiscal Year 2020 Agreement to raise the minimum legal sale age of tobacco products across the country, including e-cigarettes, from 18 to 21. Kentucky Youth Advocates thanks Leader McConnell for leading the way in Congress on this critical issue to help keep Kentucky kids—and kids across the nation—healthier and prevent life-long addiction to nicotine.

Julie Raque Adams, Kentucky Senate Majority Caucus Chair"It seems like every day that we hear about the increasing danger of vaping devices, and too many parents just don't know what to do to protect their kids. I'm proud that Senator McConnell heard our concerns and immediately stepped in to help. His legislation can address this crisis head-on to keep our children safe and away from the dangers of nicotine and vaping. Once again, having the Senate Majority Leader put our state's interests first has delivered results, and Senator McConnell is helping our kids grow into healthy and successful adults."

Kim Moser, Campbell and Kenton Counties State Representative: "As a health care professional and a mother, I worry about the long-lasting effects of tobacco use on our children, and I'm so proud that Senator McConnell took action to protect our families. The dangers of nicotine on young people's development—especially on their brains and lungs—can inflict life-long damage. Raising the minimum tobacco purchase age to 21 will help keep these harmful products away from our kids, and I can't thank Senator McConnell enough for his vision and leadership for our children's future."

Keeping Promises to Kentucky Veterans with Louisville VA Medical Center

Carl Kaelin, Vietnam Veteran from Leitchfield, Kentucky and former Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) National Chief of Staff: "It takes a visionary leader like Senator Mitch McConnell to deliver for Kentucky's veterans. For more than a decade, Senator McConnell has led the charge to keep the promise to build a new, modern veterans medical center in Louisville. Now, joined by President Trump, he's championed the passage of the federal funding bill to complete that mission. Having one of the top congressional leaders from our Commonwealth means that Kentucky's priorities are at the center of the national agenda, and we will enjoy the results for years to come."

Martha J. Lain, U.S. Army veteran and past Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Department of Kentucky Commander: "Women veterans have a great champion in Senator McConnell, who answered our call for help to ensure the VA system is meeting the needs of women veterans across the country. I appreciate his consistent advocacy to prioritize our cause with the VA, and I'm grateful for his leadership to deliver a new medical center in Louisville that will finally provide women veterans with access to high-quality, specialized care in a modern facility."

Fulfilling Obligation to Paducah Nuclear Workers and their Community

Sandra Wilson, Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce President: "On behalf of the Paducah Chamber, and our community, we are very appreciative of the support of Leader McConnell with our request for additional funding for work at the Paducah Department of Energy site. We worked with our DOE contractors to outline a program of work that could take place at the site if we were to receive additional funding. The Leader's office listened to our request about the opportunities available for the cleanup work with new funding.    We thank him for his support in getting this additional work funded." 

Opening New Doors for Hemp's Revival in Kentucky

Ryan Quarles, Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner: "I applaud Leader McConnell's efforts to move industrial hemp from the research phase to a commercial one. As we continue to restore this crop to its rightful place in Kentucky's agricultural portfolio, it is essential to have clear policy guidance from Congress. It is McConnell's leadership that has made this possible, and I think I speak for everyone when I say we are grateful for the industry he has helped create."

Combatting Invasive Asian Carp in West Kentucky

Wade White, Lyon County Judge-Executive: "Senator McConnell has once again provided the results we desperately needed. These critical resources will help repel the invasion of these deadly fish in our Western Kentucky Lakes and will allow the affected southern states, to work together in a cohesive unit to fight the War on Carp and we have the Majority Leader, Senator McConnell, to thank for it."

Supporting those in recovery and stopping the flow of illegal drugs in Kentucky communities

Andy Beshear, Kentucky Governor: "To combat the drug scourge, it takes all of us working together and we look forward to working with Senator McConnell and our law enforcement partners. Every day we lose far too many Kentuckians to addiction and more funding is needed to provide treatment and support services to those in desperate need."

Daniel Cameron, Kentucky Attorney General: "Kentucky's drug crisis presents a pressing public safety challenge in communities across the Commonwealth and places an ever-increasing strain on law enforcement. I am grateful to Leader McConnell for securing important funding to combat this epidemic and further support our interdiction efforts and treatment programs across the state.  We must use every resource available to combat the drugs that have plagued our neighborhoods and harmed our families."

Van Ingram, Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy Director: "The funding appropriated to combat the opioid epidemic is crucial to our nation and particularly Kentucky where we have been disproportionally affected by this epidemic. We appreciate Leader McConnell's continued efforts in securing these much needed funds."

Berl Perdue, Clark County Sheriff and Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police President: "As Kentucky law enforcement stands on the frontline against opioid, meth, and substance abuse, we know that Senate Majority Leader McConnell has our back. His efforts to direct critical resources to Kentucky and to increase collaboration among local, state and federal law enforcement is indispensable in our mission to protect the Commonwealth's families and communities. Our country is focused on this issue in large part because of Senator McConnell's leadership, and we're grateful for his unyielding support of Kentucky police officers."

Ashli Watts, Kentucky Chamber of Commerce President and CEO: "The opioid epidemic is not just a public health issue; it is also a workforce issue, and the Kentucky business community has felt the impact of the crisis firsthand. Leader McConnell listened to our concerns and has led a thoughtful solution to help address the crisis with the CAREER Act. Connection to a stable living environment and gaining purpose found through work is critical to the long-term recovery process. This new funding will help states like Kentucky ensure people stay in recovery and get back into the workforce, which is something employers desperately want."

Jennifer Hancock, Volunteers of America Mid-States President and CEO: "Volunteers of America is so grateful to Leader McConnell for being the driving force behind funding for solutions that effectively address our Nation's addiction crisis. He has been a true partner to us both in serving people at our existing programs and in our expansion to serve pregnant and parenting women in our new Freedom House program in Eastern Kentucky. The Leader is willing to take on the very tough work ahead to help our families and friends overcome substance use disorder and knows it takes integrated and comprehensive solutions like we provide. He is a difference-maker on this vital issue and it is an honor to have his support and leadership."

Lisa Minton, Chrysalis House Executive Director: "Senate Majority Leader McConnell continues to be a vital partner to Chrysalis House in our work to invest in long-term recovery for women and their families. We're so proud that Kentucky's fight against substance use disorder has a champion with such national prominence. Senator McConnell's focus on a comprehensive response is making a positive difference in our Commonwealth every day, and his leadership has, without question, helped to save lives."

Abby Drane, Centerstone Kentucky CEO: "We applaud Senator McConnell's leadership in advancing new resources to support transitional housing and employment tools to help those in treatment for substance use disorder get back into the workplace. For so many individuals in recovery, a home and a job can be the key to lasting success.  We applaud the Leader for his continued work in advancing solutions to the opioid crisis for Kentuckians."

Providing Tax Relief

Eric Gregory, Kentucky Distillers' Association President: "On behalf of the Birthplace of Bourbon, the Kentucky Distillers' Association and its members are immensely grateful for the steadfast leadership of Leader McConnell in shepherding the extension of the FET rollback and the continuation of the AGED Spirits Act. These measures are vitally important in continuing Kentucky Bourbon's historic renaissance, which is pouring more than $8.6 billion into the Commonwealth's economy each year, and is responsible for 20,100 jobs, $1 billion in payroll and $2.3 billion in capital investment. Leader McConnell's crucial commitment to our signature industry will continue to fuel Kentucky's economy, which is why the KDA last year recognized his championship with our prestigious "100 Proof" Award. We appreciate and applaud his unwavering support."

Chris Swonger, Distilled Spirits Council of the United States President and CEO: "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been a steadfast advocate for the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act. The Senator knows firsthand the devastating impacts Congressional inaction could have had on distillers throughout Kentucky, and his support is instrumental in moving this bill forward. We look forward to continuing to work with Leader McConnell on issues of critical importance to Kentucky distillers and their communities."

Economic Development, Infrastructure and Preparing Students and Workers to Meet Their Bright Future

Eli Capilouto, University of Kentucky President: "Leader McConnell understands the vital – and growing – importance that agriculture plays in the Commonwealth, particularly in serving our cattle and equine industries. Outstanding, high-tech research, increasingly, is a difference maker in ensuring the health of this industry and its continued growth and vibrancy. The resources and support Senator McConnell has secured for a Forage Animal Production Lab at UK's College of Agriculture, Food and Environment will help us not simply continue our progress, but ensure that we can accelerate it on behalf of Kentucky's agricultural economy, which means advancing our state, thousands of farm families and two of the Commonwealth's signature industries."

Nancy Cox, UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Dean: "On behalf of our faculty, agents, staff, students and the agriculture community we serve, I want to thank Leader McConnell for supporting a new USDA Agricultural Research Services (ARS) lab at UK to serve the cattle and equine industries and build upon the work underway in the current ARS lab located at the University of Kentucky.  The college has a legacy of pioneering research to support Kentucky's multi-billion dollar agriculture industry. Through Senator McConnell's leadership, these priorities will help keep agriculture research at UK and in the Commonwealth at the leading edge."

James Comer, Kentucky First District Congressman: "The designation of this section of the Western Kentucky Parkway as a spur of Interstate 69 will bolster economic development and job creation in Muhlenberg and Ohio counties. Western Kentucky's priorities are clearly at the front of the line in Washington, and I was proud to work alongside Senator McConnell, State Representative Melinda Gibbons-Prunty, State Representative Scott Lewis, and other local leaders to provide greater opportunities for these communities."

Scott Lewis, Ohio and Daviess Counties State Representative: "Majority Leader McConnell and Congressman Comer continue to deliver for West Kentucky's infrastructure, and I'm grateful for their leadership to put our priorities at the center of the national agenda. Our families and our communities are well-served by their tireless advocacy in Washington on our behalf. This federal interstate designation can build upon our region's strong economic growth, and we all look forward to the great benefits this legislation will bring to our community."

Melinda Gibbons-Prunty, Muhlenberg and Hopkins Counties State Representative: "I had the privilege of being in Washington, D.C. with Majority Leader McConnell and Congressman Comer when this project was formally announced. I appreciate Senator McConnell's extra efforts to get this across the finish line this year. The goal and hope is to enhance economic development for Muhlenberg County, the 15th District, and the entire region."

Curtis McGehee, Muhlenberg County-Judge Executive: "Once again, Majority Leader McConnell and Congressman Comer have shown they can work across the aisle to get things done for Kentucky. We're continuing to work together to make Muhlenberg County a premier destination for businesses and good jobs for Kentucky families, and we are well served by our members of Congress drawing national attention to these priorities. As I-569, the Western Kentucky Parkway will be a brand new avenue for opportunity, one that can drive economic growth in our community."

Gary Jones, Muhlenberg Alliance for Progress Director of Business Development: "Because of the leadership of Senator McConnell and Congressman Comer, Western Kentucky is equipped with the tools to thrive. Adding the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway to the federal interstate system can continue advancing economic growth in our region, benefiting our families and communities. We're grateful to both Majority Leader McConnell and Congressman Comer for helping pave the way to Western Kentucky's bright future."

Gary Mudd, American Printing House for the Blind Vice-President of Government and Community Affairs: "This additional funding will allow APH to provide more educational products and services for students who are blind and visually impaired across the country, preparing them for independence and employment. We have always appreciated Senator McConnell's leadership and recognition for what the American Printing House for the Blind does to promote the education of the children and adults we serve."

Matt Ricketts, Crounse Corporation President & CEO: "The entire inland waterways industry is greatly appreciative of Leader McConnell's efforts in securing vital funds for the modernization of our nation's inland waterways. These funds ensure that construction will continue at the Olmsted and Kentucky lock projects, while growing Kentucky's economy and enhancing the competitive position of Kentucky's agricultural, manufacturing, energy and many other industries. We are grateful for Senator McConnell's leadership."

Modernizing State Election Systems to Combat Interference

Michael Adams, Kentucky Secretary of State-Elect: "I want to thank Senate Majority Leader McConnell for his efforts to help provide Kentucky with welcome resources to continue to improve our election systems, keeping them fair and secure. His commitment to getting states the money they need without Washington mandates will help ensure that the people of Kentucky remain in charge of our elections and their results."


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