
Complaint / Passed out behind the wheel on a Clay County highway

Clay County, KY -  Sheriff Patrick Robinson is reporting that on May 25, 2019 at approximately 2:00 PM Clay County Sheriff Deputy Tommy Houston arrested Rodney Mitchell, 32 of South Highway 421.

The arrest occurred when Deputy Houston was dispatched to a complaint of a male subject passed out behind the wheel on Highway 149.

Upon contact with the driver, it appeared as if the driver was in fact passed out.

Through investigation it was determined that the subject was under the influence of intoxicants. Assisting at the scene was Clay County Sheriff Deputies Jeremy Gabbard and Cody Blackwell.

Rodney Mitchell was charged with:

• Operating Motor vehicle under the influence of ALC/DRUGS/ETC.
• Failure to Wear Seat Belt

The photo attached is courtesy of the Clay County Detention Center.

Assisting at the scene was Clay County Sheriff Deputies Jeremy Gabbard and Cody Blackwell.


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