Clay County, Ky. - ( January 26, 2019) - According to a social media post made on Friday January 25, 2019 from Burning Springs Fire & Rescue "Urgent Prayer" is needed for a Volunteer Fireman.
Carl Phillip Brown "UNO"
Burning Springs Fire & Rescue: "We would like to ask our community and surrounding followers, friends and family to pray for our fellow brother and dear friend.
"Uno" is known well in the county and has been a Volunteer Fireman for 15 plus years. He’s dedicated his time in helping others and tonight he needs our help. Let’s pray that our mighty Lord will touch him, heal him and progress in him.
We might not always know why but we know a man tonight that can show us miracles and he’s still in the healing business.
Please join us an flood Heaven tonight with prayers.
Remember he would do the same for each of us.
We love you our brother."
Source: Burning Springs Fire & Rescue