
Bill seeks to address felons carrying guns - Frankfort

FRANKFORT, KY – Legislation to curb gun violence by convicted felons passed the state Senate on Wednesday by a 36-0 vote.

The measure, known as Senate Bill 210, would increase the penalty imposed on a convicted felon for possession of a firearm during the commission of certain crimes.

“In other words, it enhances the penalties the second time around,” said Majority Caucus Chair Sen. Dan “Malano” Seum, R-Fairdale.

He said he introduced SB 210 at the request of Louisville’s mayor, police and prosecutors who are exploring ways to reduce gun violence. There were 127 murders in 2016 and 117 murders last year just in the city. And for every person fatally shot there are three wounded by gunfire.

“That kind of sums up our gun violence,” Seum said.

Sen. John Schickel, R-Union, spoke in support of SB 210. He said gun violence is also a problem in Northern Kentucky and Lexington.

“We are just kidding ourselves if we think that if we don’t address this gun violence that it will just go away on its own,” he said. “It’s not. This legislation is very appropriate.”

SB 210 now goes to the House for consideration.


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