
PSA - Programs offered by the Clay County Extension Office for January 2018

Manchester, KY - Clay County Cooperative Extension Service upcoming programs for January, 2018

Burley Tobacco Growers Annual Meeting & Ag Industry Trade Show - Thursday, January 11 & 12, 2018 - Heritage Hall Lexington Covention Center. Registration free to Burley Tobacco Producers.  Call 598-2789 for more information on registering.

►On Thursday, January 18th there will be a Produce Best Practices Training from 1-3 pm at the Clay County Extension Office.  The Clay County Extension Service will offer the new KY Produce Best Practices Training.  This program teaches produce growers about food safety.  It is designed to address food contamination issues between the farm and the consumer.  Farmers offering samples at farmers’ markets or intending to sell in the farm to school program will need a certificate of completion of the KY Produce Best Practices training.  It will replace the current GAP certificates that many farms hold.  If a farm is GAP certified and already has a sampling certificate from KDA they will not have to complete KY Produce Best Practices Training until their current GAP expires.  There is no cost for the training and it will last about 2 hours.  Please call 598-2789 to register.

Women & Your Finances will be January 22nd, 29th and February 5th at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office.  Topics for discussion will be The Basics, Estate Planning, and Investing.  This is for all women!  It is never too early or too late to start thinking about your financial situation.  Please call 598-2789 to register.  Free and open to the public.

4-H Teen Club Meeting will be Monday, January 22nd at 5:30 pm at the Excel Building. If you are interested in leadership development and want to be involved in your community, this is the place for you! Please call the Clay County Extension Office at 598-2789 to enroll!

Becoming Body Aware is January 23rd and 30th at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office.  You have lost weight and are feeling good about your new image.  You can become more body aware, learn your body type, review the clothes you have in your closet and change your appearance even more.  Come learn together to become more body aware.  You must call 598-2789 to register.  Free and open to the public.

Plate It Up will be January 25th at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office.  Lora will demonstrate three Plate It Up recipes for your enjoyment.  These vegetables can be grown in Kentucky gardens spring-fall.  Please call 598-2789 to register.  Free and open to the public.

Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability


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