SOMERSET, Ky. – A veteran energy executive and Southeast Kentucky native has been installed as the newest member of Southeast Kentucky Economic Development Corporation (SKED’s) Board of Directors.
Carol Wright, president & CEO of Jackson Energy Cooperative, was elected to the 12-member volunteer board in April. Jackson Energy is a nonprofit electric cooperative serving approximately 52,000 members in 15 Southeast Kentucky counties and is headquartered in McKee, Ky.
Wright has been president & CEO since January 2013. Previous positions at Jackson Energy include: chief operations officer and vice president of engineering & operations. She has held management positions at another Kentucky cooperative and has 10 years of technical engineering experience with Kentucky Utilities. Wright has more than 27 years of experience in the electric utility industry during her career.
She says she’s excited about working with SKED’s experienced Board in its mission to bring economic prosperity to Southeast Kentucky.
“Promoting economic development has always been an important part of my work at Jackson Energy,” says Wright. “Serving on the SKED board will allow me the opportunity to help provide businesses and entrepreneurs the tools they need to promote job growth in the region. I look forward to joining an organization with a long history of helping others succeed.”
She serves on the following boards and committees in the region: Kentucky Council for Postsecondary Education, Kentucky Association for Electric Cooperatives (KAEC), where she is chairman of the Safety Sub-Committee, and Jackson Propane Plus chairman.
Wright is a graduate of the University of Kentucky, where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering. She also earned a Master in Business Administration degree from Sullivan University. She lives in Jackson County with her husband, Terry.
SKED is proud to have Carol as one of the newest members of the SKED Board of Directors, said SKED Executive Director Brett Traver.
“It’s people like Carol, who have made a difference in the communities they serve, who have the most potential to make the important decisions that affect an entire region of the state,” Traver said. “Carol has been a valuable member of the Jackson County community and her decisions, as CEO of Jackson Energy, have affected tens of thousands of lives. She is now a valuable member of our SKED board, serving 45 counties in Southeast Kentucky. Carol will be a great asset to our organization’s leadership team.”
Other members of the SKED Board of Directors include: Tim Barnes, Hometown Bank president and CEO; Shirley Gifford, Somerset CPA; Ben Sams, territory account manager for Cisco Systems; Darryl McGaha, Lake Cumberland ADD director; Charlene Harris, president and CEO of First National Bank of Russell Springs; Dr. Jo Marshall, president of Somerset Community College, Virginia Flanagan, special assistant to the President of Campbellsville University, Daryl Smith, economic development project manager with Kentucky Utilities in Lexington; Corey Craig, president and CEO of Citizen’s Bank of Mount Vernon, Tim Gibbs, president/CEO of Ashland Alliance and Praetorian Standard Program Manager David Blakeman.
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Formed 31 years ago by Fifth District Congressman Hal Rogers to create jobs in Southeast Kentucky, the economic development organization, based in Somerset, serves a 45-county region in Kentucky. Staff works with business owners, small and large, throughout its service area to identify financing solutions to fund their location, expansion and working capital needs. For more information, visit: