
KSP Post 11 hosts 2016 "Shop With A Trooper" / Pulaski County

London, Ky. (December 07, 2016) – On Tuesday, December 06, 2016 at approximately 6:00 PM, Kentucky State Police Post 11, London and the Kentucky State Police Professional Association Chapter 11 held its annual “ Shop- With- A- Trooper” program at the Somerset, KY Wal-Mart.

The program, which operates solely from donations, was able to help 22 children have a better Christmas.

The children, chosen and recommended by the local Troopers, were from the 7 different counties served by KSP Post 11.

Kentucky State Police Posts across the state hold this type of event each year to help those less fortunate and to boaster a positive image of police officers for the children.

Pictured is Trooper Adam Childress with two young boys helping them shop for gifts 


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