Laurel County, KY - Sheriff John Root is reporting that: the Golden Alert has been canceled on Rodney Carter age 45 of Poplar Hollow Rd., London, KY.
This individual has was by a dog team deceased in the vicinity of his residence at approximately 5:45 PM on Wednesday evening November 9, 2016.
Laurel County Coroner Doug Bowling pronounced Carter deceased at the scene.
An autopsy is scheduled in Frankfort on Thursday to determine a cause of death.
Laurel County Sheriff's Detective Kyle Gray and Detective Kevin Berry continue to investigate.
Assisting at the scene of the search was:
Laurel County Sheriff's shift supervisor Sgt. Robbie Grimes, Laurel County Emergency Management Director/Search and Rescue Coodinator- Abbey Hale (who coordinated the request for the dog team to assist on the search), and Laurel County Public Safety Deputy Director Justin Noe.