Dorothy Ina Allen, age 76 of Dallas, TX, passed away May 5, 2015.

Mrs.Sheila McQueen 51, of Doolittle Road, Tyner, Ky was born October 21st, 1963, she passed away on May 6, 2015.

Mrs. Georgia Mullins Ledford age 94 of South Highway 66, Big Creek, KY passed away on May 7, 2015. She was a life long homemaker, devoted to her family, friends, and church.

Left: Trooper William E. Tevis -Right: Trooper Clinton E. Cunningham

(Richmond, KY)– In commemoration of National Police Officers Memorial Week, the Kentucky State Police, Richmond Post, will




(Richmond, KY.) – This afternoon, the Kentucky State Police, Richmond Post, arrested the Madison County CSEPP Finance Officer for Forgery and Theft.




(LONDON, KY.) – On Wednesday, May 06, 2015 at approximately 10:36 PM, Trooper William Cowan stopped a 1994 Honda Civic for a minor traffic violation on KY HWY 1247 in Pulaski County.



Laurel County, Ky. - Sheriff John Root is reporting that Deputy Rick Cloyd arrested a Lily, Ky. woman  on Tuesday evening May 5, 2015 at approximately 6:30 P.M.

LONDON, KY – Twenty-four high school seniors were presented “I Am UNITE” scholarships totaling $36,000 for being champions for anti-drug efforts during a dinner celebration held Tuesday, May 5, at





(London, KY)- On Thursday May 7th 2015 around 2:00 PM officer Brandon Durham with KSP-Vehicle Enforcement responded to an injury accident located on I-75 Southbound near the 34 mile marker in




The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has announced an award of nearly $7.5 million in National Emergency Grant funds to the Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program, Inc. (EKCEP) to provide
