Morris Edwin Lay

Morris Edwin Lay, 86, of Smithsburg, MD, passed away Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at his home.

Born in a log cabin in Pine Knot, Kentucky, Morris was the second of 3 children to parents E. Manuel


Alta Hubbard McKiddy, 74, of Goose Rock, Kentucky passed away at 12:06 a.m. October 22, 2018 at Continue Care Hospital in Corbin, Kentucky.

Born November 2, 1943 in Manchester, Kentucky, she was the


Frank Hinkle, 80, of Hyden, KY, passed away Sunday, October 21st, at the Hazard ARH Hospital.

Frank was born on September 5, 1938, a son of the late Mary Lee (Stewart) and Jim Hinkle.

Tremont, Ky.(October 23, 2018) - On October 22, 2018 at 12:44 A.M. Trooper Drew Wilson was patrolling on U.S. 119 in the Tremont community of Harlan County. Tpr. Wilson noticed a tan 4-door


Clay County, KY - A Boil Water Advisory is in effect for the customers of North Manchester Water Association on Bridgewood Road.