Severely burned body located inside of a vehicle in Clay County, Ky.

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MANCHESTER, KY (June 19, 2020) - On Wednesday, June 17, 2020 shortly after 10:00 PM,  Kentucky State Police Post 11 received a complaint of a vehicle on fire over an embankment on Poss Roberts Road in rural Clay County.

10 Individuals Arrested at Numerous Locations as “War on Drugs” Continues in Laurel County, Kentucky

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LONDON, KY - Laurel County Sheriff John Root Along with Major Chuck Johnson, Capt. Robbie Grimes, Lieut. Chris Edwards along with Detective's and Deputies arrested 10 individuals at numerous locations throughout Laurel County on Wednesday, June 17, 2020.

Fire Units Dispatched to Accident on Hal Rogers Parkway in Clay County, Ky.

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MANCHESTER, KY (June 18, 2020) - The City of Manchester Fire Department is reporting that: At 12:39 AM on Thursday, June 18, 2020 the City of Manchester Fire Department was dispatched by Clay County E-911 to the Hal Rogers Parkway for a motor vehicle accident with one vehicle on fire.

McConnell Praises Judge Justin Walker: A “Widely-Admired Legal Expert”

My fellow Kentuckians and I are sorry to part with this son of the Bluegrass. But mostly, we are proud, because Judge Walker will be putting his legal brilliance and his exceptional judicial temperament to work not just for his home state, but for our entire nation, and in even more consequential ways.’

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Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Judge Justin Walker

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Judge Justin Walker of Kentucky:

New COVID-19 Cases in Jackson & Rockcastle County, Ky. Associated with a Church and 2 Clinics

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MANCHESTER, KY (June 16, 2020) – The Cumberland Valley District Health Department reported on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 that: There are six new confirmed COVID-19 cases in Jackson County today, and one new confirmed case in Rockcastle County.

McConnell: The Great American Outdoors Act Will "Benefit Generations to Come"

'Thanks to a number of our colleagues, particularly the junior senators from Colorado and Montana, the Senate is poised to take historic action for the future of the nation's public lands.'

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Historic entrance of Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky, USA. This national park is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks Monday on the Senate floor regarding the Great American Outdoors Act:


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