MANCHESTER, KY (October 31, 2019) - The Clay County Detention Center is reporting: FOUR bookings for Wednesday, October 30, 2019.
Unless ClayCoNews has overlooked a booking(s) and of course taking into consideration that there may have been subjects lodged in CCDC and released before our monitoring session(s), the following information is correct to the best of our knowledge.
1. Larry Collins age 30 of Manchester, Kentucky charged with:
- Serving bench warrant for court
- Rear license not illuminated
- Careless driving
- Operating on suspended or revoked operator license
- Operating motor vehicle under the influence Alcohol/Drugs/Etc. .08 (AGG CIRCUM) 3rd. offense
2. Randy Parker age 41 Manchester, Kentucky charged with:
- Criminal mischief, 1st degree
3. Jason Smith age 35 of Manchester, Kentucky charged with:
- Serving parole violation warrant
4. Donna Keen age 38 of Manchester, Kentucky charged with:
Falsely reporting an incident
Photos of accused courtesy of the Clay County Detention Center.